Using Visual Arts to Generate New Material w/Sebastian Matthews (Zoom)

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Using Visual Arts to Generate New Material w/Sebastian Matthews (Zoom)


Saturday, September 10, 1:00-4:00pm ET. Online via Zoom.

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THIS WORKSHOP WILL NOW BE OFFERED ONLINE. In this three-hour online workshop, we will generate new material through a series of exercises, including trying our hand at ekphrasis, collage method, and cinematic technique. In addition to examining visual works (paintings, photographs, collages, clips from movies), we will look at works by contemporary writers (such as Claudia Rankine, Geoff Dyer, Maggie Nelson, Larry Levis, Yusef Komunyakaa, Teju Cole, Joan Didion, and Michael Ondaatje) who utilize techniques drawn from and inspired by a variety of art forms. We will work in both small and large groups and will share our drafts in a loose workshop format. Poets, fiction writers, and creative nonfiction writers are welcome.

Sebastian Matthews is the author of the memoir In My Father’s Footsteps and three books of poems, Beginner’s Guide to a Head-on Collision, We Generous, and Miracle Day. Beginner’s Guide won the Independent Publisher Book Award's silver medal. Matthews also co-edited, along with Stanley Plumly, Search Party: The Collected Poems of William Matthews (a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize). He currently serves on the board at Vermont Studio Center and on the advisory board for Callaloo: A Journal of African Diaspora Arts & Letters. His most recent books are, Beyond Repair: Living in a Fractured State and The Life & Times of American Crow.